Tuesday 4 December 2018


In the video 'Unfinished Sympathy' by Massive Attack, why would you describe the mise-en-scene as naturalistic? Why would you then describe the mise-en-scene in FATBOY Sim's "YA MAMA' as less naturalistic? 

'Unfinished Sympathy' is far more naturalistic than in comparison to 'Ya Mama' for numerous reasons such as in Massive Attacks' music video of Shana Nelson simply walking down Boulevard Street of LA - where their appears to be no obvious plot yet the world and nature of the shops and people walking casually down the street (minding their own business - naturalism) collectively having a logical relation. The mise-en-scene and the characters in the short film mutually define each other. In terms of props, the Pit-bull type of dog is especially used because they are usually assumed to be aggressive. Purposely, the dog looks harmful which enhances the viewers perspective of the people living in the community as coarse and impure. Not only that, there is a native American Indian, conveying the idea that there are several cultures living in the area as well as a varied representative. In addition to props, there is an empty shopping trolley that can reflect the deprived and downgraded street. The dirtiness and litter layered across the path of the road is a vivid and realistic view of streets in LA and contradicts the popular side of it which revolves around the glamour and richness of it all. Nelson's costume consists mainly of a black dress which may be to blend in with the inhabitants of the town, meaning the background should stand out more than the foreground. So, the viewers can focus on the separate events going on in the background such as the females throwing vegetables at a vehicle and the native American Indian. That is further supported by her natural makeup. Therefore, the audience are not soley focusing on her, giving the viewer a true insight into street life and their routines in comparison to an foreigners trip to LA for a holiday. At 2:22 of the music video there are females who are wearing heavier makeup to Nelson, as a result we are more drawn to those two women - showing the contrast of people who are on the street and maybe living in the area. 

In contrast, 'Ya Mama' is certainly less naturalistic because it does not follow the rules of nature and essentially the disruption in the narrative of the cassette breaks the realistic actions in the video. For example, instantly when the song starts to play, the characters' actions become increasingly fast and uncontrollable which is impossible in a day to day life.
Overall, the atmosphere of 'Ya Mama' is more theatrical compared to 'Unfinished Sympathy' as there are unusual elements that are not expected in a 'normal' linear narrative story line.
Furthermore, there are slightly hidden messages within Fatboy Slim's music video. For instance, the reoccurrence of the postcard edited at the first 4 seconds in the music video and then  in the last 4 seconds it reappears. However, at the end - the individual (protagonist) of the video is posing in the picture of the setting instead of no image of a person in the first one. Initially, the postcard picture may foreshadow the ending as it implies he has reached the destination of where he was dreaming to be or could be using as inspiration to paint and finish the remaining of his ornaments. It may confuse the viewer as at the end he is put in prison by the local authorities and then is cut to him in the setting of the image he was looking at initially. Possibly, the entire music video could be viewed as the character day dreaming mean while painting and the music simply adds to the excitement of his activity. My reason for that is because the music video then ends with him continuing to listen to the comedy children's TV programme, 'Tom and Jerry', meanwhile holding and looking at the picture again. Furthermore, there are simple and ungrammatical posters with reference to the profession of some job roles. A clear example of this is 'Problem People' that is positioned in the profession of the police in the Caribbean and they appear to be mainly white people photographs under that label.

In the video 'Ya Mama' by Fatboy Slim why would you describe the narrative as linear? Why would you not describe the narrative in 'Unfinished Sympathy' by Massive Attack as linear?

'Ya Mama' has a linear narrative as it has a clear storyline. That involves the characters' watching 'Tom and Jerry' and carrying out daily life routines. However, there is a knock at the door of which the actor receives a cassette and start to play it. That is what essentially propels the plot and causes the characters listening to the song become chaotic and disorderly. The storyline moves from inside the individuals home to the town market and eventually the individual being arrested. Therefore, they story is presented in a logical manner by illustrating what happens from one point in time to another - without the use of flashbacks/forwards and then returning to the present. 'Ya Mama' includes a plot, characters (eg. the police, local citizens), climax (when the song plays and the people hear it for the first time, dancing as if they were possessed), setting (Carriacou). Finally, a resolution where the protagonist who received the delivery of a cassette is arrested - the viewer is unknown to exactly what the accusations were for. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the images underneath the 'People Problem' headline in the prison office mainly consists of white people, that is further enhanced by racism in Carriacou of when this was filmed, edited and published. 

On the other hand, 'Unfinished Sympathy' would not be described as a linear narrative due to an absence of climax and arguably plot. Massive Attack's music video is filmed as a one-shot video and there is a lack of narrative surrounding the song. It opens with an extreme close up of Chinese stress balls and zooms out to a group of gang members, that then arcs over to boy 'play fighting' with a gun aiming it at camera / (us). From then on, it forwards to Shana Nelson (the singer of Unfinished Sympathy) and remains in front of her walking down the street for the entire music video. It is not explained as a linear narrative because there is no direct, straightforward story of Nelson walking down the street. Although, the individual groups and representatives walking and carrying out with their daily lives behind her is fundamental and each reveal a distinctive account of either the history of LA, the stereo-typical views of 'gangs' or the criticism of the health care in the United States. Despite 'Massive Attack' being presented in a coherent approach, there is no significant event or explanation in order for the viewer to gain a slight understanding of the meaning behind the song. 

At what point in 'Ya Mama' is there a narrative disruption? Explain the event and how this disrupts the initial equilibrium of the scene.

Narrative disruption occurs within 'Ya Mama' when the cassette tape is delivered by the man on the bike and the protagonist listens to the song for the first time, he immediately is changed as a character. Therefore, the first event of him watching 'Tom and Jerry' and painting pottery is interrupted from there onwards and does not follow the natural storyline of what the viewer may have intended from their initial reaction to the music video.
The music video opens as a linear narrative however, in the first minute this linear sequence is abandoned. Throughout the music video, the

In Massive Attacks, 'Unfinished Sympathy' what do you see in the video that implies a world of different stories? 

Throughout the music video of 'Unfinished Sympathy' the foreground itself does more forwards physically however in terms of the narrative their is a lack of storyline behind Nelson walking down the street. Having said that, the stories behind Nelson walking, individually depict a hidden meaning and account of different people's lives. 
Those stories are demonstrated through the small shots of people that each reflect their lifestyle in LA , compared to the typical glamorous side of the city. For instance, the gang at the start reflect the gang culture in 1991 and that the influence they had in society was extremely powerful as portrayed through the low angle at the start of the video. Arcing over to the young boy with the toy gun is extremely significant as it symbolises the child repeating violent actions which he has either seen on TV, video games or sadly witnessed through real life situations. Especially, the use of a toy gun conveys his innocence - upon how it is being slowly corrupted by individuals around him, such as the gang members who are demonstrating a negative role model to the child. Meaning, mise-en-scene is particularly important for the 'Unfinished Sympathy' music video as it is a main feature involved is conveying a story. The boy's story suggests that he has been forced to grow up quickly or has not had the correct parenthood to understand that violent behaviours should not be accepted. Further on in the video, there is a disabled male on a skateboard who looks lost and does not know what to do with his life, this may imply he every day life and reflect the health care service in the USA. In the UK, we have the NHS which support citizens who live here and enables them to access health care services for free, in this instance the man would be liable to a prosthetic leg for free where as in the USA he would have to pay a large amount for that - of which he most likely does not have the money for. Therefore, his story may mirror his past life that would have been extremely different as he may have had a job however may not now since he physically is not capable to move or work the way he could before. Even though there are several stories that all add up to one visual queue, he

gang at start 
boy with the gun 
throwing veg 
walking dog 
history Native American 
health care - guy on skateboard           - all may have individual story and real reasons behind their actions, 
dad and son shopping together
= little point all add up to one - visual queues
sexuality or lack of 

= viewer imply bad things about la 

Inhabitants - a person who is resident of habitation (citizen)