Monday 24 September 2018

Media language use of a camera

Basic Camera Shot: 

  • Extreme long shot (ELS)
  • Long shot 
  • mid shot 
  • Two shot 
  • Close up 
  • Point of view 
  • Extreme close up 

Basic camera movement 
  • Tracking (in/out)
  • Sideways tracking (crab)
  • Tilt ( up/down)
  • Zoom
  • Arc (moving around)
  • Crane 
  • Panning 

Basic camera angles 
  • Over the shoulder
  • High angle shot
  • Low angle shot
  • Reverse shot 

                                                            Low Shot  

A low angle shot of basic camera angles is taken from below the eye line, pointing upwards which makes the photo appear strong and powerful. It may emphasise an individuals height and create an intimidating mood. 

Medium Shot

Above, the photograph is shot from mid-waist up of the models body to convey emotion and the way in which they express their body language and is commonly used for dialogue sequences. For example, slouching shoulders would demonstrate someone is drained.

A panorama is a basic camera movement when the picture is taken standing in the same place, but moving around with the equipment. It illustrates the wider surroundings of a particular place which may indicate the location or a deeper meaning of a group of people. 

Point Of View

Above is an photo technique which is used from the point of view from a certain character and can be an insight into their life of what they see, it can be used as dramatic irony since the audience/watchers may know more than the other character in the story. 

Long Shot

In photography, this shot shows the entire object or a human figure, which can also help identify the surroundings behind as well. It is important for the audience to acknowledge the location of the scene.

Two shot

A frame of two people, but do not have to be directly next to each other, that can be used for a range of purposes such as romance, tension or action. It helps the audience notice the relationship between two people by their actions and distance from each other. 

Over The Shoulder

The basic camera angle of over the shoulder shot is essentially taken by the name given of this technique. The back of the head and one side of the shoulder in in the picture with and establishment of what the individual can see. Overall, portraying an empathetic mood or an 'creeping up on' idea - emphasising a build up to dramatic tension. 

Long Shot 

Extreme Close Up

This basic camera shot is purposely used to call attentions to a specific object or individuals features to make them more visually memorable and invade a characters space. It intensifies emotions and the atmosphere at a particular point since the audience feel as though attacking another property. 

High Angle Shot 

The technique where the camera looks down upon the character or subject from an raised position; portraying a sense of vulnerability to the surroundings. Along with this cinematic technique light, mood and setting enhance the emotions in a film of this camera angle. With the highly advanced technology now a day, drones are a common but expensive way producers shoot certain scenes. 

A movement demonstrated in the video by which the camera is placed on a 'dolly' which travels along tracks closer and further away from the subject. It has a variety of applications and has potential to compose very dramatic footage. Thus, having a smooth motion and professional  picture throughout the film. A track in can build intensity to follow a character where as a track out can indicated an conclusion to one scene.
Arc shot is when the camera moves around an stationary subject, in a semi-circle motion. It provides identity and an insight into something as the watcher can gain a view of different angles of that matter.
A vertical camera movement where the camera tilts up and down initially from an stationary focus. This is not used a lot in film simply as humans tend to look left to right more than up and down. Effectively, it helps convey unease, madness and disorientation that could be used just before an climax occurs such as a character collapsing to the floor, prior to that become extremely dizzy. 

Close Up
A photograph or movie shot of an object or human at a short distance of a large scale, filling the frame. It is useful at revealing detail and emotions through vivid facial expressions to attract the audience's attention, for example an reaction. Typically, it is used as a 'cutaway' shot which cuts from a distant shot (that may show action) to a close shot to convey meaningful events such as intricate activity. 

Sideways Tracking 
Also known as 'crab' is used to scan across as scene or follow the action across a film. This can be filmed along the bottom of the floor, mid shot or at a high angle - all creating several effects and moods. The camera moving alongside an object or tangible things, the movement is useful to help engage the viewer and essential to add drama and information to the scene. 

Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Media and Me

Video Games
As a child, video consoles were the highlight of my childhood and provided the most entertainment through different stations; for instance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation, Computer games and the App Store (from iPhones in my late childhood). These games are available 24/7 and can be taken to any location, which is originally why my parents first allowed this. However, they have quickly replaced board games and children physically meeting their friends outside instead they socialise over a head sets from their Xbox.
In the early 2000s, technology was not as advanced as it is now, that I believe is an advantage because the impact now a day can cause damaging effects to young children mentally and physically. Video games can easily become addictive and can impact an individuals actions as well as actual appearance - in the way that teenagers can become sleep deprived and forget to eat and drink. 
Assumingly, video games can be perceived as gender bias since most people believe only males use the Xbox and PlayStation, which may cause females to feel embarrassed and indifferent to the rest of their friends.
My favourite mediated game as a child was the Nintendo Wii as it encouraged family entertainment especially at special occasions such as Christmas. Yet, it was enjoyable to play by myself as well. Also, I believe this is a great way to promote being active indoors, for example 'Wii Sport' includes sports games such as tennis, bowling, boxing and golf which involve movement of the body and concentration.            
On most video game cases there are age restrictions, a clear example is 'Grand Theft Auto' which claims it is for 18 year olds only and above. The developers Rockstar Games are entirely aware that these games are typically gifted to 11-15 year olds. Personally, I believe this can be intoxicating to young children as they are convinced to believe that killing people by shooting or running them over, stealing a car and carrying out other illegal actions is acceptable. Especially, as 'GTA' perceives in a 'real life' formation it may appear to those less educated as a  natural lifestyle.


In present time, I never use video games as a source of entertainment as I have simply lost interest in this form of media because I feel that for my age and interest there are hardly any games targeted at my hobbies. 

The Internet 
Mass media, including the internet has the most significant influence in shaping individuals understanding. Individually, this has created an exceeding imprint in my life of growing up for numerous reasons including education, socialising, storing memories and entertainment. I am best knowledgeable of the internet than any other form of media, since I feel I have been brought up with it from a young age and have taught myself along the way.
Ultimately, I sense that the internet may start to take over people's lives in the way that meeting new friends will become harder for the younger generation and anxiety levels will rise. This is because social media is presented as a photoshop of life and what celebrities post are only ever the 'perfected version' of themselves - in which young children will be convinced that's what they should all look and act like their favourite celebrities. As a result, it can be dangerously harmful and negatively affect people who suffer from mental illnesses and increase the numbers that are diagnosed each year.
On the other hand, I have learnt majorly from the internet as skills that the school system do not offer such a building a CV, life lessons that can pre-warn you and extra educational
teaching that benefitted me especially during difficult times where
From my research
Overall, I suspect the internet creates more negativity than positivity. In terms of it impacting my behaviour I feel that it has amused me when I am bored, inspired me to challenge myself and captivated the precious memories in my life. For example, the global social media platform 'Snapchat' can be highly dangerous if it is used for the wrong purpose, however it has a section named 'Memories' which will save all the photos the user has taken on the App. In particular, it notifies the person if it has been 'A year today' since the photo was taken and ables me to look back on my recollection in one storage space. The main reason upon why I use the internet is most likely to be for scrolling through social media several times a day - religiously unaware. The relationship I hold with this is very strong and closely considering all this has stunned me in how quickly time can pass when realistically I'm not doing anything.

Image result for snapchat memories

Furthermore, I stay in contact with my family around the world through 'WhatsApp' and 'FaceTime' as these are less expensive networks in which I can communicate to others instead of an expensive phone call or text message to across the other side of the Earth. I strongly believe it is an fantastic invention and saves a lot of people from travelling far such as for business meetings.
On the other hand, the weakness of the web is that cyber bullying, hacking and the 'flawless' body images that are portrayed through models and people in general can be emotionally affect a way in which we think about our appearance. Ultimately, it makes us believe we should all look a certain way and be the same to 'fit in'.
Social media enables me to keep up to date with my favourite artists on new releases of songs and interact with others around the world who hold similar passions as me. Additionally, I have met some of my best-friends across networking platforms and without this I would not have the majority I speak to and meet daily.
A form of audio or visual marketing that employs an open sponsored message to promote a product or service, which are typically used by businesses. Advertising includes many different types of methods which are separate to the typical posters and adverts we assume are the only ways in which a business exploits a market opportunity. In particular, TV adverts are set at a specific time as well as on certain channels to target their aimed audience. For instance, on a Sky Sports Channel, it is most likely for adverts based around men deodorants or prompting another sporting channel instead of children's toys as this would not be suitable or appealing to most males. However, on kids TV channels, companies such as Hamleys and Build a Bear purposely will advertise toys and games at an early time before 8pm as they are aware most children will be in bed at this time. By achieving this, companies hope for children to 'want' their product and implore their parents. 
Celebrity endorsements is a clever strategy of marketing and I believe this is becoming extremely common especially with sponsorships and a way to attract teenagers especially on YouTube. Google's own 'YouTube' is an national platform in which many youtubers post routines, gaming, challenges and many more which personally is the most known way that I have experienced advertising recently as a teenager. I have been convinced to purchase makeup items and clothing items from individuals who I watch religiously in my free time to keep me entertained. 
Furthermore, the global platform YouTube have recently started to introduce surveys which are a new way to gain public feedback, recently I have discovered that these surveys link closely to the themed video someone is viewing. For example, my most watched videos revolve around beauty - therefore, the questions I normally receive are based upon "What was the last high street foundation you have seen advertised?" I believe they are a clever and quick way to gain feedback and the most popular network - businesses can then learn to improve and develop their services in hope to positively have the highest chosen tab on the survey. 
gain an competitive advantage over others.

Individually, newspapers do not impact me majorly, yet I have been brought up in a family in which my parents do read the newspaper daily namely 'The Sun' and grandparents using 'The Independent'. Occasionally, if a particular interest of mine appears on the newspaper (usually the front cover which attracts me) I may choose to read a specific section. For instance, news on 'Ant and Dec' or celebrities who I follow. Although, I could easily find out the same information online, if not more which is my main reasoning for not taking a huge enthusiasm into this print media. During my research I have discovered that 18 to 24 year olds were recorded to be the least likely to have read a newspaper in the past year whereas people over aged 55 were numbered with a staggering 90%. As a teenager who is placed in the category of 'least likely' I expect that to be because everyone can obtain the news they need through their mobile devices - especially on Apple devices, if there is an immediate news it will alert users to this information.  
I am aware that all newspapers structure the sports news on the back of the papers as I witness my father do this normally first as this is his 'priority' where as my mother would start at the front, usually reading all the 'gossip' in the celebrity industry as well as picking the magazine out of The Sun on a Sunday first to read. 
My knowledge of newspapers is limited, though I am acknowledge that they are all based on political views and ultimately can intoxicate people's beliefs as they are bias to left and right wing. As there is little information I have off Newspapers it concerns me as I feel they should still be relevant today as a print out of news is a daily snapshot of history. An accurate reflection of a specific moment, that cannot be edited unlike online where electronic specialists may find a way to edit it their way in a few year to twist a story - even though I am aware print out copies are never the uttermost reliable. 

The ways in which the public consume news and information have dramatically changed in comparison when the modern media was not so advanced.
The two pictures I have added below shocked me personally when I went to by the Newspaper for my parents on this certain day, when the upcoming week of the 2016 Brexit Election was set in place. Periodical Tabloids can have an heavy influence on society's perception of world-wide events depending on how the journalists convey the story.
Image result for newspaper bias right and left wing brexitImage result for the sun jeremy corbyn

  • As an estimate, 84% of the UK population claimed they read a printed newspaper daily in the past year, readership was highest in London (93%) and lowest in the Midlands (79%). 
  • The Daily mail is the only newspaper to have more female readers than male based on the 'Inter-media' website I have studied. 52.5% female and 47.5% male.                     
The youth can now be seen as extremely important to newspaper publishers as ultimately they rely on us to purchase their papers when the older generation die out. Where as, now a day they have a greater preference in digital media gaining all the information and more on the web and not from print. 

Radio has the potential to reach almost everyone, I recognise this in supermarkets, car journeys, at home and shopping centres. Personally, the relationship I hold with the radio is interesting as compared to many other teenagers I listen to the radio considerably when I am in the car with my family. Especially, 'Radio 1' and 'Heart' are the favourited stations of mine as they produce my genre of music which mainly revolves around the top charts. Additionally, they play newly released songs, alongside with naming them and the artist therefore I can easily download it onto my phone to listen on repeat if I enjoy the music. These two radio stations specifically entertain me as I prefer those to 'Radio 2' for example which include an abundance of talking which can be tedious and un
Admittedly, Bluetooth speakers have become increasingly popular in the technological industry, as a result I have noticed that at home they have quickly replaced the radio that sits in our dining room. The benefits of a speaker that outweigh me listening to the radio is that I can deliberately choose the music I want to listen to and skip and song if I dislike the tune and I do not need to listen to anyone talking or sponsored adverts in between music. Though, the radio presents rapidly instant news which can be helpful and benefit those who are considering going out and there may be an accident or heavy traffic at a junction. Furthermore, the radio presenters speak about current topics which interest me such as the months around GCSE's and pointedly the results day I clearly remember. My family and I were on our way to Kent from Brighton, that morning when the clock stroke 9:00 AM I refreshed my emails repeatedly until the email finally came through; delighted in happiness. In the car journey we listened to the radio where they were constantly talking about the day and how different individuals received a variety of results, congratulating the nation. In a sense this put me at ease knowing that 2 results I could have had higher; they explained how 'A grade does not define your future'. Clearly, this displays how radio presenters can be a heavy influence on others and something can easily said by mistake which cannot be erased as it is a live broadcast. 
Radio war of the worlds - the story where mass panic broke out from an radio presenter reading a story. In 1938 October 30th a 62 minute radio show was broadcasted as an individual read the book 'War of the Worlds' and pre-warned listeners at the start this was indeed a story.  Although, people who tuned in late and missed this disclaimer believed an invasion was happening in New York. Specific parts were accentuated more than others to appear more authentic to the listeners.  Especially, as there was less media channels available in the 1930's and there was no invention of a Television, people could not visually see if this was true and regarded the radio as their main source of revelation. Consequently, this misunderstanding led to panic in small communities when the reader skilfully built up the tension of the story at this part and people starting firing guns and 'prepared' for the 'attack'. I found this in my research of the radio and found it particularly interesting upon how influential the radio was and in less than 100 years that has changed as there are several forms of media people can gather information from.

The development of films in the recent years have become extremely great quality having re-watched old Disney films from when I was younger compared to a film that has recently been released. Through this experience I have greatly learnt to appreciate the technical advances, which I can only imagine will develop in the future and encourages me to become apart of this change. Although recently I haven't watched as many films as when I was younger I tremendously enjoy watching them at home with friends as well as a trip to the Odeon to watch the new released movie to date. I feel that despite your mood watching a film can uplift it or even provide a sense of relation within me, especially in romantic and comedy films I grow to love the characters and have an emotional side which is brought out of me when I become attached to a story line. Furthermore, occasionally I watch thriller/horror movies with other people, in my opinion these create the most intense atmosphere and leave everyone in the room feeling anxious, constantly introspecting the surroundings of every sound and movement in sight. Movies provide amusement and pleasure to all ages and will not disappoint anyone as there is something available for anyone's interests. 
In terms of categories, my favourite are comedy, romanticism and action combined together. In particular, 'Baywatch' and 'Skyscraper' are my preferred movies this year, in which both involve the actor 'The Rock' (Dwayne Johnson). Below I have added the trailers of each to watch, which uphold an apprehensive mood and will automatically make you want to watch both movies. 

In only 20 years, there has been a major increase the media providers for film for consumers to purchase/sign up to a membership with. I mainly am aware of the American business 'Netflix' which offers films and series that are exclusive to Netflix as well as classics. They can hold other users on one account which I believe is useful, for instance within my family my brother and I may watch the same series, yet at a different point in the storyline, therefore it is easier to have separate accounts so we know where we are. Also, from previous films that I have watched the company will recommend different genres and have different named tabs namely, 'Continue Watching' or 'Trending Now'. From my research, I have discovered when all these businesses were formed: 

Netflix - 1998
Amazon Prime - 2005
Sky Cinema - 1989
Flixster movies - 2007.

The topic of 'Magazine' can be difficult for me as I have little memory of when I did read a magazine and if I did, this did not impact my behaviour in any way. A specific memory from my childhood is going into a supermarket and being lured into them either because the front consisted of my favourite television programme or the toys looked 'cool and fun' to play with. Guiltily, the novelty is what pleaded me the most to persuade my parents to purchase it for me. Moreover, I remember enjoying the small games that were in these where I could follow down the line by answering questions, then I would eventually be left with a small paragraph of the character I most likely was to be from a certain show for example.
Some magazines can be seen as a source of happiness, however these readers usually are the most health-conscious consumers according to recent studies. 
Now, I do not read magazine and honestly cannot remember the last time I bought one. Personally, I feel they can make readers feel self-conscious and sensitive about their own body confidence. Fashion and beauty topics, such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan can impact our behaviour of feeling negative and making ourselves feel worthless. The stereo-typical body image and 'Tips' that are written in them are usually misleading in terms of skin. Ultimately, they are expensive brands that are trying to get you to purchase their products which a drugstore could probably offer for a much more reasonable price. 
Related image
Recently, I have came across this image of Tess Holliday across the media and have witnessed all the contradictory comments across twitter based on her appearance. It is the Cosmopolitan UK magazine front cover for October 2018 and features a 300 lb model. Many admire the company and Holliday mainly for confronting the hate comments she receives across social media of 'fat!'. Especially for many young girls, they are thankful for being gifted with this image as it assures those who are more anxious about their weight and what they typically see on the cosmopolitan magazine below of Zendaya. Others argue that Holliday's weight is classed as obese and is promoting unhealthy eating which is one of the major struggles the UK government are tackling at present time. In my opinion, I believe as long as females and males feel confident within themselves then no one else so judge, however the concern is real in that obesity is a serious condition. Statistically, there was an increase of 18% from 2015-2016 to 2017 where there was 617 thousand admissions in NHS hospitals, according to its official website. 

Image result for childrens magazines with toysImage result for cosmopolitan magazine

A niche invention of the television is part of my daily routine in which I watch drama and series that come out at different times of the year. For example, Xfactor, Im a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, Love Island, Britain's Got Talent and Our Girl. 
When I was young I religiously watched EastEnders and could not risk to miss one, however knowing that it is on 'BBC Iplayer' I am no longer reluctant to specifically watching EastEnders at a certain schedule, as well as the repetitiveness of an ongoing story line and new characters it does not appeal to me as much. 
When the series listed above come on TV some more than another impact my behaviour and mood. Our Girl is a series dedicated to honour our Army, in particular female medics in the British Army and their adventures. Truly, it has impacted my conduct in a positive manner as I have learnt to appreciate what the force do for us and the difficulties they must face physically and emotionally. It explains how even though when the military return home they can suffer from PTSD, on the other hand it expresses their passion and commitment to defend our country. 

I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here is most likely my favourite series which comes on Television at the end of the year, it effects my behaviour as it makes me appreciate my family and home as watching celebrities in Australia live off rations and outdoors is what many people around the world have to deal with on a day to day basis.
It fascinates me how a modern TV contains several institutions such as BBC Iplayer and ITV Hub within the structure for people incase they have missed a certain programme. 
Image result for tv hd curve

Music Videos

As an whole, my relationship with music videos is limited and I lack knowledge in this category. Although I adore listening to music, watching the music video is not an automatic go to of mine; only if I was to put the music channel on the TV would I then watch the artists video. Perhaps, this is because downloads such as 'iTunes' and 'Spotify' provide a service where there is not option to watch the music video and usually most people just want to play the music to listen to at parties or in the car, thus no need to watch the video.

Notably, the music video I do remember from a young child is 

Orginally, I know that music videos were purposely created for promotion of an artists and their newly released song. 

As a child, it has made an influence on me as the past-popular App, 'VideoStar' was created for children to re-create their personalised music videos to any song, along with a variety of different effects that I could dance too. 

Some music videos include their fans which is a special way to gain extra views from the public.
Gender is another factor in music videos of which musicians reflect their past relationship breakups and reach-out to others and many of the public can relate and use their songs for guidance to get through a difficult stage in their life.
Facts about the Black Eyed Pees Music Video 

From the website linked above, I discovered the song is based on the 9/11 tragedy reading the 'group talk' they discussed about this sensitive topic arose the question of the song I chose 'Where is the love?' as at this time in the world, there was a lot of racism and separatism in society. The lyrics behind the song can be interpreted in many ways of the different incidents the world has faced over the years and as a unity it encourages everyone to come together and not discriminate others. Furthermore, it has a semantic field of danger and constant mentioning of children which further enhances the sadness and negativity of the nation - that needs to be changed as we only have 'One world'. Although I haven't witnessed fundamentalists activities I follow the news and have seen the devastation that has been caused. One event that I do remember, is the Manchester Arena Bombing in May 2017 and waking up the next morning to 'Breaking News' on the Television. The following month, Arianna Grande's (who's concert this was during the incident) held a 'One Love' concert in honour of the 22 innocent deaths and donating all the income towards the families and charity. Whilst watching this live on the TV, Black Eyed Peas performed 'Where is the Love?' which was extremely emotional as this was the realisation to me of reality and the severe actions some people posses in the world. As a result,  I feel I have gained an deeper understanding of this music video and shapes everyone's identity in terms of race as the strong lyrics: 'The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate' express the need for change. In addition to respect and accepting others, they explain how everyone should love everyone despite their beliefs as we were all put on the Earth together 'from above'. 
The main context it portrays is the poor role models in society today and how young people's minds will be consumed to believe that war, racism and terrorism is acceptable. The scene I mainly am focusing on is as it begins, we are introduced to a stereo-typical group of youths dressed entirely in black clothing. They are agitatedly running the streets of Los Angeles from which appears to be police cars; as the group illegally hand out posters and stickers with question marks on them. Automatically, the representation of black people are imitated adversely. The Mise-en-scene of the introduction is purposely used as stereo-typically we associate the qualities named previously to having intentions of committing serious crimes. So, by using this it directly explains how internationally, we are too quick to judge someone by their dress-code and is one example of many mistakes and misleading beliefs society naturally are taught to hold. Nevertheless, the band are a multicultural group who came from contrasting backgrounds - for that of many reasons is a clear representation of how to correct the world and show the love for each other.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Learning New Skills

I can type in my blog.

I can add an image to my blog.

I can add a video from Youtube by embedding it in my blog.
I can add an hyperlink from my blog.
CLICK HERE to go directly to BBC's Home Media Centre.

Media Studies Induction Task

‘Why study the media?’
The term ‘media’ is defined by the means of mass communication that reach or influence people widely. Furthermore, it can be a varied collection of organisations that share the production, publication and distribution of media texts. Depending on a businesses’ target audience, they can consume media texts differently from a wide range of platforms. There are two main types of media, namely ‘Traditional media’ is given to the industries that existed before the internet, for instance; radio, print, magazine/comics, computer games and television. Alternatively, in the recent years there have been emerging formats and platforms that have developed due to advanced technology and the rise of the internet, the ‘New media’. These include; websites, blogs, vlogs, online games, podcasts and apps. A beneficial use of this are they can involve interactive elements with the public online such an audience feedback. 
Personally, I believe the media possess a large impact on the young generation. Although the new media and its advanced uses can be extremely beneficial to teenagers in learning, discovering and reaching out for a different kind of help than to the prior tradition media – I believe the negatives outweigh the positives especially on social media platforms. It is proven that the global network channel ‘Instagram’ is one of the worst apps for young people’s mental health. Consequently, causing feelings of anxiety, depression and in particular many adolescents struggling with body image and low self-esteem. However, 33% of young people online claim that information online about mental illnesses and public figures who influence and aid these types of condition are one of the most supportive steps to their recovery. 
Yet, they are intoxicated to believe the images posted by celebrities is what they must look like. Those viewers usually have little knowledge of the intense workout and extreme diet the models suffer, alongside a major amount of Photoshop. Unfortunately, we are conditioned to believe that the amount of likes and followers we receive determine our self-worth. Over 90% of 16-24 years of age today use the internet mostly for social media. Snapchat can also be viewed as damaging towards young peoples minds simply because these are both image-based, of which at times can be more effective and long-lasting that sending a message. Moreover, cyberbullying has become increasingly common using social media sites as more than 1 in 3 people have experienced threats online. It causes depression amongst young teenagers, sadly leading to many cases of suicide. Females are more likely to receive online abuse than males, of those only 1 in 10 teens tell a parent. Overall, in 2016/2017 there were over 24,000 ChildLine counselling sessions with children about bullying.
On the other hand, I believe everyone can benefit from the media in different ways, for example educationally and learning about the history of the world; since this is where the most up to date information is posted. Also, it enables family and friends to communicate across the world, in terms of business or enjoyment. Where as previously, letters were sent which could take up to weeks to receive. Now a day, messages are instantaneous, further benefitted by video calls as well. For instance, business employees may not have to travel so far to a meeting and instead can discuss over the internet. 

The mass media are an agent of socialisation which can heavily influence our political views, tastes in popular culture, views of women, beliefs and practices. Especially, demonstrated through television, shows, movies, music and websites. As a result, this could cause individuals to pick and choose who they communicate with purely based on their looks. Based from facts, social connections are important to happiness, health and overall feelings of connectivity to society. With out these, people can suffer from isolation, decreased self-esteem and ultimately a shorter lifespan. In particular, now a day more teenagers are beginning to feel lonely as most young people spend their free-time on their technical devices instead of physically going outside and meeting new people like the times before any social media was viral. Therefore, adolescents are trapped in their comfort zone and are struggling to speak to new people in contact, unlike messaging people behind a screen. In addition to, the effect of media such as TV can lead to childhood obesity, deleterious effects on learning and academic performance. Also, parents need to be aware that restricted age certificated on certain games and movies are deliberately placed there for a reason, for example an aged 18 game console which includes aggressive imagery, can increase 12 years old violent behaviour. 
A British online newspaper, ‘Independent’ published a media-based news story on the 3rdSeptember 2018, upon the tradition of grandparents passing down advice is being reversed. The headline, “More than 75% of grandparents learn about technology from grandchildren” clearly demonstrates how advanced technology has become over a decade, further supporting from above the advantaged of the media. Meaning, different types of media can teach children a variety of skills than can freely benefit another individual.  Although, 1 in 3 that took part claimed, “they had passed on far more useful knowledge to their grandchildren than they had received”, suggesting that the media may not be entirely helpful in comparison to previous years where more children would enjoy reading and playing outside all day, with little TV. The study was carried out to mark the launch of Disney On Ice’s new event, in which Moana will appear live for the first time in the United Kingdom. Billie Faiers, model and TV star in ‘TOWIE’ joined Disney with her daughter ‘in their hunt for outstanding grans and granddads’. The specialty of a social media influencer being commissioned in an Disney sponsor can target parents to read about her article and then take into consideration their children in a time where the festive season is near. 
The first known social media platform was invented in 1978 named the BBS (computerised Bulletin Board System). It was created by Randy Seuss and Ward Christensen to arrange events and share information with their friends. By the early 1990s a variety of platforms for instance GeoCities, of which allowed users to design their own websites and Blogger – one of the first blogging communities thrived. In 1997, AOL enabled an instant messaging service, meaning users could chat and socialise in an online setting. In 2000, the network Friendster was launched and only after three months it possessed over three million users. 
However, in the future I believe media will be highly advanced than ever, with other medias such as newspapers and the television having little consumption by the public as there is an increasing number of people watching programmers and movies on their devices instead of finding and using different stations.  Alternatively, for our future generations the media could potentially become extremely dangerous in terms of cyber-bullying or hacking/virus’.